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Sophie’s One Million Step Challenge!

OLG Recruitment Consultant, Sophie Randle has recently signed up to take part in a One Million Step Challenge this Summer to help raise money for Diabetes UK – a charity close to her heart. Read more of Sophie’s story in her own words…

“I’m stepping up for Diabetes UK this summer to support the 5 million people in the UK who live with diabetes, day in day out.

I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2021, right before my 30th Birthday and was extremely poorly upon diagnosis. It was and still is an extremely hard pill to swallow, that’s for sure.

I will be honest, I was in denial about my diagnosis for a long time and have only recently started taking this seriously. I have been in and out of hospital, suffered with DKA and have nerve damage in my leg.

It can affect so many aspects of your life, both short and long, but you have to get on with it – it’s not going anywhere.

Don’t get me wrong some days are so challenging, being a working mother of two, then with this illness on top – constantly injecting insulin and battling blood glucose levels, but every day is a new day. I have to do this and keep my levels as much in range as possible for myself, but most importantly for my children.

Sooo, if you could make a donation I would love you forever!  Someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes? Diabetes UK are on a mission to create a world where diabetes can do no harm by funding vital research into life-changing treatments and providing support to help people to live better with diabetes. No matter how much you can give, it will make a difference. So please donate today. It would mean so much to me!

Thanks x”

If you would like to support Sophie and help raise money for Diabetes UK please see her fundraising page here.