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OLG Welcome T Level Partnership Placements

OLG Engineering are delighted to welcome Matrix Forrington and Anton Bryant as part of a T Level Partnership through North Lindsey College. Matrix and Anton started their placements within OLG last week and have both settled in well.

Team Leader at North Lindsey College, Rebecca Chamley said, “Our Engineering T Level students are required to attend a minimum of 315 work placement hours to pass their course.

OLG Engineering are supporting two of our students to gain some of these hours. The skills and development our students will gain by attending OLG Engineering will help them to get a deeper understanding of the industry they are training in and support their on-campus learning.

OLG are very supportive of all young people and look to continuously invest in our students. One of our fabrication students was lucky enough to secure a position last year. We look forward to an ongoing relationship with them to nurture the young talent working through the college.”

Matrix and Anton both said after their first week that it was good to use the same software that the employees were using and that having ex apprentices as “Buddies” was a big help.

Anton who is with the Civil & Structural team and worked on the design of a vessel support structure “wants to work in renewable energy,” and Matrix “definitely wants to work in engineering design,” after spending a week with the Mechanical & Piping team setting out the pipework to a pump skid.

On behalf of OLG Engineering, Mick Renshaw stated, “We believe that T Levels could be the ideal vocational qualification to start our next generation of engineers and designers.

There is a skill shortage in the region and there has been a disconnect with encouraging those in education to chose engineering. Work experience is, and always has been, the best way to prepare students for working life and for us to sell the industry.”

OLG are excited to help provide the students with the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to succeed in their chosen careers and wish them both luck in their course.