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Micky Achieves an HNC in Mechanical Engineering

Piping Apprentice, Michael Brown is celebrating after achieving an HNC in Mechanical Engineering.

19-year-old Michael, or Micky as he is better known to most people, joined On Line Design back in 2018 as an apprentice piping designer, and after studying at the Grimsby Institute for the past 2 years Micky is delighted to have gained an overall Merit.

His studies included managing a professional engineering project, fluid mechanics and engineering design amongst several other Mechanical Engineering Modules.

Micky said, “I thoroughly enjoyed the course, there were many different subjects which I had to complete and they all gave me a real insight into different areas of mechanical engineering. For the future, I am looking to complete my apprenticeship and potentially further my education to an HND or Degree level in order to allow me to progress further within the company.”

On Line Design would like to give huge congratulations to Micky and wish him luck on his career prospects in the future.