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Congratulations to Sophie and Terry

OLG Engineering would like to congratulate Project Administrator Sophie Walker and her fiancé Terry on the birth of their second child, Joey Samuel Martin.

Joey was born at the Princess Diana’s Hospital in Grimsby on Saturday 6th November weighing a healthy 9lbs and measuring 58cm long.

Sophie said, “My labour was 5 hours and 44 minutes on gas and air. My partner Terry of 12 years has supported me throughout, and during labour he was definitely my rock. Joey looks the double of his older brother Jack when he was born 7 years ago. Jack is very proud and enjoyed going into school and showing all his friends and teachers a picture of himself and Joey on the first day they met – he was absolutely beaming with pride.

We are very much still in our newborn bubble and just enjoying every moment of Joey and becoming a family of 4. Hopefully, now Joey has arrived, our next step is to finally get married in Cyprus, May 2023 but for now I cannot wait for the festive period to begin, and of course to enjoy plenty of festive drinks after 9 months off!’

28 year old Sophie joined the company almost 4 years ago as a P.A. to OLG Engineering’s Managing Director, Brendan Conlan. She has since progressed to become a Project Administrator where she is based in their Grimsby office.

OLG Engineering would like to congratulate Sophie and Terry and wish them all the best!

Pictured: Baby Joey Samuel Martin and proud big brother, Jack.