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Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day!

Today we celebrate International Women in Engineering Day and the amazing work that women engineers around the world are doing.

We would like to introduce you to On Line Design’s Piping Designer, Alex Seaton whose love of engineering stems from a combination of two things. In her own words:

“Firstly, of my own curiosity, when travelling to the Netherlands on the ferry as a young girl, passing what I would later understand to be Rotterdam’s oil refineries and wondering what everything is and why it all does what it does. Everything from the almost mirror like reflection of the sunset in the stainless-steel piping to the plumes of steam and the flares from the stacks burning bright was completely fascinating to me.

The second, is down to growing up around the motor industry and being surrounded by beautiful cars, wanting to understand more about how the things we use and take for granted each and every day are actually put together, constantly evolving and becoming more efficient and globally conscientious, from diesel and petrol engines to hydrogen, hybrids and now solely electric engines.”