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£1,000 Donated to Papyrus

PRAX are celebrating OLG’s site performance of 11 years TRIR free which was achieved on 21st March 2022

Each TRIR free year, OLG donate £500 to their workforce’s chosen charity and PRAX match the donation. This year the OLG workforce have nominated PAPYRUS – Prevention of Young suicide to receive their donation. A presentation was held on 31st May to celebrate the event.

OLG would like to thank all those involved. Well done everyone!

Papyrus – Dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. Papyrus believe that no young person should have to struggle alone with thoughts of suicide.

Suicide is the biggest killer of people aged 35 and under in the UK, Papyrus exists with an aim to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma surrounding suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognize and respond to emotional distress.